Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Smart Meter - Radio Transmitting Devices

Here is my speech, given at the City of Battle Creek City Commission meeting on Tuesday, August 5, 2015:

The legal minutes from the July 21, 2015 City Commission meeting state that I “questioned the safety of the City’s new analogue meters,” which is neither true nor correct.  The City’s new water meters are radio transmitting devices, not analogue.  I questioned the safety of the City’s new “radio transmitting devices, also known as smart meters.”
Has the City’s Water Department routinely been asking for property owner’s permission and consent to install these smart meter/radio devices on private properties?
I personally know of several instances where these devices just appeared on water meters after the Water Department requested access for other reasons.
Why has the Water Department not been totally up-front regarding these devices?

Speaking of American’s with disabilities, an estimated 3-5% of the population are like me, hyper-sensitive to radio frequencies, and that includes the radio frequencies used in the devices the Water Department has been installing on private properties.
Current regulations only deem radio frequencies harmful if they heat up the flesh.  But radio frequencies operate on a cellular level, too.  It has been shown that they cause the cells in the body to vibrate.  Studies show damage to cells, damage to the blood-brain barrier, damage to sperm, disruption of hormones, disruption of brain signals, and many other problems.
When questioned about the safety of these smart meter/radio transmitting devices, the Water Department responds with two documents from the manufacturer, stating that they are safe.  Of course the manufacturer is going to tell you they are safe; they want to sell you their product.

I just want to clarify that my concern is about smart meter/radio transmitting devices, that emit low-level radiation which causes mild to debilitating effects on 3-5% of the population, and who’s long-term effects for safety has yet to be proven by independent 3rd party testing.
When 3-5% of the population experience harmful effects from smart meter/radio transmitting devices, expecting those people to pay a fee to NOT be harmed by these devices, to keep them off of their property, is akin to extortion.
Thank you for listening.  May we all be blessed.   
(End of speech)

Here is the video of that meeting.  I speak at 8 minutes, and then again at 38:38 minutes:

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